Ch-ch-check your head ! Beastie Boys are coming back!

Une fois n’est pas coutume, petit détour par l’actualité musicale récente. Mixeurs foutraques de funk, de punk, de hip hop, les Beastie Boys ont bercé les fêtes de notre adolescence où, nous mêmes jeunes blancs révoltés et en quête d’identité, nous nous reconnaissions dans ces jeunes cons qui rappaient leur bile prépubère sans qu’on leur demande quoi que ce soit.

On connaît la suite de l’histoire : business men avisés (ou moins avec l’expérience Grand Central), militants politiques pour la libération du Tibet, ces Boys n’ont eu de cesse de brouiller les pistes…quitte à lasser et à perdre de vue leurs fans. Je les avais moi-même laissés dans leur dernier voyage intergalactique, en train de se battre avec des monstres géants à la Godzilla.

A la sortie de leur nouvel album, je me suis quand même dit qu’il serait pas mal d’écouter un peu leurs dernières productions, un peu comme lorsque vous recevez une carte postale d’un ami de longue date que vous avez perdu de vue depuis un moment.

Je dois dire que j’ai été agréablement surpris de découvrir que ces Boys ne sont définitivement pas où on les attend : vous vous attendiez à une énième ressucée du Check Your Head ou de Ill Communication ? Eh bien vous avez tout faux…Ils nous refont le coup de l’album instrumental à la Paul’s Boutique ! Et quand les Beastie Boys décident de lâcher les micros, ils font parler les instruments et c’est à mon avis ce qui leur réussit le mieux.

Le résultat est à la hauteur de leur parcours musical : un condensé habile et groovy d’orgues funky, de riffs de guitares fuzzy et de beats  de batterie sauvages. Et grande nouveauté : là où on attend une qualité en dent de scie comme sur certains de leurs récents albums, ils nous livrent un assaut compact de titres d’excellente facture.

La bonne surprise de ce début d’année. Replongez dans vos souvenirs et n’oubliez pas : Fight For Your Right To Partyyyy !

[audio:z – beastie boys – b for my name.mp3]

[audio:z – beastie boys – 14th st break.mp3]

[audio:z – beastie boys – the melee.mp3]

Une réponse sur “Ch-ch-check your head ! Beastie Boys are coming back!”

    After all these years of being strategically raped by god I don’t want to hear it anymore.
    I no longer care.
    I’m satisfied to not participate in your « Big Lie ».

    As was true in the days of Pharroh, the Roman Empire, Nazi germany and preditory corporate America the gods are essentially spoiled children who take what they want with no regard.
    They like to call the disfavored « evil » yet it is THEIR flag.

    The Anti-Christ was always a clone host, as were all industrialists, and the coming Biblical battle of good and evil will be scripted and fake as well, and likely only be telepathic theater at that.

    This is how the gods manage clone hosting::::
    Gangsters of the 20s and 30s were too evil to reward them with the sucess seen in corporate America, so the gods took them out and put people into those clone hosts whom were not evil. The gods rotate based on goals, so it is possible they were rotated throuh when corporate was so wicked in the 1980s.
    There is a BIG difference between preditory corporate/media and decent corporate:::::Media items as I list below were used to prey on people, so the gods UTILIZE evil in the context of these clone hosts. These same people would be prohibited from working « quiet time » in corporate because they dont have the favor necessary to NOT incurr evil.
    There are two « temples » at work here::::Good and evil.
    The gods focus on their evil temples, corporate, media and associated temptations.
    They don’t even WANT people LOOKING at the good temples and seek to minimize their presence amist the « noise »:::::Their temptations attempt to bury the religious life necessary for decency.

    The gods place people with variable morality within clone hosts according to what goals they want accomplished.
    They are, in effect, « temps » (a clue).
    Expect my desire to kill these « temps » who have crossed me to be unrealized symbolism the gods could have used to enhance this theater, if I was willing.
    Expect they dropped many of these clues, created many of these enhancements for the Situation::::::There was a good Jesus who taught before age 30. The switch was made, just as with Mohammed, except the Bible only represents the evil Jesus. Good Jesus’s real teachings lie elsewhere, perhaps under a different name, perhaps DELETED forever.
    The difference is Earth is Planet Reverse Positioning and Christianity is evil. Consistant with this posiotioning the gods may want to send this clue by switching me and having the clone host assume some traditional bullshit Christian teachings.
    Remember::::If Christianity is evil then maybe the (real) Anti-Christ is the good one. The gods may want to mix things up like this.

    Story on the Dynasty that Won Only in Crisis.
    « You don’t get anything. Eveything happens around you. »
    They said this Sutituation’s theme was reflected in Forrest Gump. Other elements of the Situation were justified with a marriage between good and evil::::
    Mondavi chardonnay reserve – Sideways
    Grand Cayman banking – Finding Nemo
    Chevron mascots – Cars
    Japs – Ultraman’s Iron Man
    This is a long, long list. Friday we add another half-billion to the total.
    Just as we saw with Cars, when some cronie from Hollywood claimed credit when Cars was quite obviously a Chevron inspiration, so did I see some old man claim credit for Iron Man.
    The Japs aren’t John Rockafeller. The Japs are about the offensive, as their products will attest, and providing this « protection » as they did for Chevron shows inferior judgement of the gods yet again.
    The gods willl offer clues suggesting my involvement, tying me to the event for the disfavored’s understanding, ensuring the connection is made without actually admitting it OR compensating me.
    I was talking about Sideways a lot and I sguess they decided to (finally) allow the Mondavi death to send this clue. Expect similar clues showing I am the element of good they used to justify Sex in The City.
    Here comes another $500,000,000.
    Just as they sent an important clue with Boss so too is this is a clue::::::Abandon any preconceptions of entitlement.

    Sex in the City isn’t the Beatles but this concept was specifically designed to be preditory on women who, as they aged, were candidates for exclusion because of their promiscuity:::::
    I believe there are opportunities that exist for females that do no exist for males. I don’t mean to paint with a broad brush but women’s « sexual peak » may represent the transistion to « sociological males » and their « fall from grace ». Considering today’s promiscuity I question the extent to which this is currently applicable.
    This was the purpose of this event originally::::To promote sexual promiscuity among impressionable disfavored women.
    Admittedly, this is a done deal. Their fans likely own seasons, and the damage from the movie will only serve to revisit the established destruction.
    Nothing compared to the Beatles in terms of popular culturue destruciton to the most favoredd gender.
    We don’t need to witness the British Invasion to see the evil of the English either. The gods drop many clues, associating English accents with evil.frequently.
    Mark my words their « creative banking » is the element of evil the gods used as justification for the creation of Finding Nemo.
    This is the REAL battle of good and evil.

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